Dear UPark families,
    October is always a very busy month. Halloween was a fun time. The class finished their Science erosion unit, and the kit was returned to the Science office. It is now time to move on to Social Studies where we will be studying the peopling of the U.S. In Math we are wrapping up Unit 3 on multiplication and division facts and number stories. Unit 4 covers decimals and their uses. Students will learn about place value to tenths and hundredths and how to compare and order decimals. The Family Math Letter was sent home in the Thursday folder. Please continue helping your child practice their facts. Responses should be rapid and accurate by now.
    The class has been researching topics in order to write their feature articles for writing. The kids are working on the drafts now and will soon be publishing their stories. In reading the kids continue to learn more reading strategies to help them become better readers of nonfiction text. Our next unit the class will learn about poetry. Figurative language and imagery are a focal point in this unit.
    This month we had a grade level spelling bee. The winners were: 1st Peter Carpenter, 2nd Nick Pratt, 3rd Holly Franzen, 4th Sander Squibb, and 5th Dana Adibifar. These 5 students will go on to the schoolwide spelling bee on Thursday, November 29.
    We had special guests from Junior Achievement in November come to discuss business with the class. The kids enjoyed the activities and games. Our guests were students studying some aspect of business at DU and were fabulous as mentors for the kids.
    I had planned to have photos for you of our various activities, but unfortunately the chip got stuck in the school camera and had to be broken to remove it from the camera. Perhaps, I'll have some awesome pictures of the kids for the next newsletter!
    Please continue to do head checks of your children. Another student in class has lice. I think we'll go back to using lockers for a while. They have seen doctors and are following the appropriate steps to become louse-free.

Have a very relaxing Thanksgiving.
Mrs. Debbie Durkee


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